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Wysłany: Czw 18:20, 03 Cze 2021 Temat postu: Herodot z Halikarnasu |
Herodot z Halikarnasu
Wikipedia: (ur 484 p.n.e. - zm. ok. 426 p.n.e.)
Według ks. Dębołeckiego, Herodot wspomina o polskim królu Idanthyrsie.
Cytaty z tekstu po angielsku:
(ze strony: classics . mit . edu )
Księga I
"The Scythians became masters of Asia."
"The dominion of the Scythians over Asia lasted eight-and-twenty years, during which time their insolence and oppression spread ruin on every side."
"The Royal Scythians guard the sacred gold with most especial care, and year by year offer great sacrifices in its honour."
Księga II
"In this way he traversed the whole continent of Asia, whence he passed on into Europe, and made himself master of Scythia and of Thrace, beyond which countries I do not think that his army extended its march.
Księga IV
"After the taking of Babylon, an expedition was led by Darius into Scythia."
"Hercules came from thence into the region now called Scythia, and, being overtaken by storm and frost, drew his lion's skin about him, and fell fast asleep."
"When one crosses the Tanais, one is no longer in Scythia; the first region on crossing is that of the Sauromatae, who, beginning at the upper end of the Palus Maeotis, stretch northward a distance of fifteen days' journey, inhabiting a country which is entirely bare of trees, whether wild or cultivated."
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Wysłany: Czw 18:39, 03 Cze 2021 Temat postu: |
"Beyond these people, a little to the east, dwells a distinct tribe of Scyths, who revolted once from the Royal Scythians, and migrated into these parts."
"The fourth of the Scythian rivers is the Borysthenes."
"It falls into the sea near the city of Carcinitis, leaving Hylaea and the course of Achilles to the right."
"The eighth river is the Tanais, a stream which has its source, far up the country, in a lake of vast size, and which empties itself into another still larger lake, the Palus Maeotis, whereby the country of the Royal Scythians is divided from that of the Sauromatae."
"I learnt, however, from Timnes, the steward of Ariapithes, that Anacharsis was paternal uncle to the Scythian king Idanthyrsus, being the son of Gnurus, who was the son of Lycus and the grandson of Spargapithes."
"What the population of Scythia is I was not able to learn with certainty; the accounts which I received varied from one another. I heard from some that they were very numerous indeed; others made their numbers but scanty for such a nation as the Scyths."
"Immediately that the Ister is crossed, Old Scythia begins, and continues as far as the city called Carcinitis, fronting towards the south wind and the mid-day."
"It is reported of the Sauromatae, that when the Greeks fought with the Amazons, whom the Scythians call Oior-pata or "man-slayers," as it may be rendered, Oior being Scythic for "man," and pata for "to slay"- It is reported, I say, that the Greeks after gaining the battle of the Thermodon, put to sea, taking with them on board three of their vessels all the Amazons whom they had made prisoners; and that these women upon the voyage rose up against the crews, and massacred them to a man."
" The two camps were then joined in one, the Scythians living with the Amazons as their wives; and the men were unable to learn the tongue of the women, but the women soon caught up the tongue of the men."
"The Sauromatae speak the language of Scythia, but have never talked it correctly, because the Amazons learnt it imperfectly at the first."
"This had gone on so long, and seemed so interminable, that Darius at last sent a horseman to Idanthyrsus, the Scythian king, with the following message:- "Thou strange man, why dost thou keep on flying before me, when there are two things thou mightest do so easily? If thou deemest thyself able to resist my arms, cease thy wanderings
and come, let us engage in battle. Or if thou art conscious that my strength is greater than thine- even so thou shouldest cease to run away- thou hast but to bring thy lord earth and water, and to come at once to a conference."
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Wysłany: Czw 18:48, 03 Cze 2021 Temat postu: |
Pierwsza seria cytatów o Scytach zawiera zdania najbardziej zrozumiałe. O Scytach u Herodota mowa jest setki razy.
classics . mit . edu / Herodotus / history . mb . txt
O Sarmatach mowa jest tylko kilka razy, pod nazwą "Sauromatae"
"When one crosses the Tanais, one is no longer in Scythia; the first region on crossing is that of the Sauromatae, who, beginning at the upper end of the Palus Maeotis, stretch northward a distance of fifteen days' journey, inhabiting a country which is entirely bare of trees, whether wild or cultivated."
"The eighth river is the Tanais, a stream which has its source, far up the country, in a lake of vast size, and which empties itself into another still larger lake, the Palus Maeotis, whereby the country of the Royal Scythians is divided from that of the Sauromatae. The Tanais receives the waters of a tributary stream, called the Hyrgis."
"Now they who had come together were the kings of the Tauri, the Agathyrsi, the Neuri, the Androphagi, the Melanchaeni, the Geloni, the Budini, and the Sauromatae."
"It is reported of the Sauromatae, that when the Greeks fought with the Amazons, whom the Scythians call Oior-pata or "man-slayers," as it may be rendered, Oior being Scythic for "man," and pata for "to slay"- It is reported, I say, that the Greeks after gaining the battle of the Thermodon, put to sea, taking with them on board three of their vessels all the Amazons whom they had made prisoners; and that these women upon the voyage rose up against the crews, and massacred them to a man."
"The women of the Sauromatae have continued from that day to the present to observe their ancient customs, frequently hunting on horseback with their husbands, sometimes
even unaccompanied; in war taking the field; and wearing the very same dress as the men."
"The Sauromatae speak the language of Scythia, but have never talked it correctly, because the Amazons learnt it imperfectly at the first."
"The assembled princes of the nations, after hearing all that the Scythians had to say, deliberated. At the end opinion was divided- the kings of the Geloni, Budini, and Sauromatae were of accord, and pledged themselves to give assistance to the Scythians; but the Agathyrsian and Neurian princes, together with the sovereigns of the Androphagi, the Melanchaeni, and the Tauri, replied to their request as follows:"
"They divided themselves into three bands, one of which, namely, that commanded by Scopasis, it was agreed should be joined by the Sauromatae, and if the Persians advanced in the direction of the Tanais, should retreat along the shores of the Palus Maeotis and make for that river; while if the Persians retired, they should at once pursue and harass them."
"The Scyths crossed the river and the Persians after them, still in pursuit. in this way they passed through the country of the Sauromatae, and entered that of the Budini."
"As long as the march of the Persian army lay through the countries of the Scythians and Sauromatae, there was nothing which they could damage, the land being waste and barren; but on entering the territories of the Budini, they came upon the wooden fortress above mentioned, which was deserted by its inhabitants and left quite empty of everything."
"When the Scythian kings heard the name of slavery they were filled with rage, and despatched the division under Scopasis to which the Sauromatae were joined, with orders that they should seek a conference with the Ionians, who had been left at the Ister to guard the bridge."
"The enemy no sooner heard, than they quickly joined all their troops in one, and both portions of the Scythian army- alike that which consisted of a single division, and that made up of two- accompanied by all their allies, the Sauromatae, the Budini, and the Geloni, set off in pursuit, and made straight for the Ister."
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Wysłany: Czw 18:50, 03 Cze 2021 Temat postu: |
Na uwagę zasługuje też miasto "city of Carcinitis" podobne z nazwy do Carantis Kadłubka.
"Immediately that the Ister is crossed, Old Scythia begins, and continues as far as the city called Carcinitis, fronting towards the south wind and the mid-day."
"It falls into the sea near the city of Carcinitis, leaving Hylaea and the course of Achilles to the right."
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Wysłany: Czw 19:24, 03 Cze 2021 Temat postu: |
biblioteka . kijowski . pl / antyk%20grecki / %20herodot%20-%20dzieje . pdf
Cytaty o Sarmatach z polskiego tekstu:
"Przekraczając rzekę Tanais, wchodzi się już nie do kraju scytyjskiego, lecz pierwsza część terytorium należy do Sauromatów, którzy począwszy od najdalszej zatoki Jeziora Meockiego ku północy zamieszkują przestrzeń piętnastu marszów dziennych, ogołoco-ną zupełnie i z dzikich, i z owocowych drzew. Nad tymi zajmują drugą część Budynowie, ziemię w całości gęsto zalesioną wszelakimi drzewa"
"Ósmą rzeką jest Tanais, który z dalekiej północy wypływa z wielkiego jeziora i uchodzi do innego, jeszcze większego, zwanego Meockim, to zaś tworzy granicę między Scytami Królewskimi i Sauromatami."
"A do zgromadzonych należeli królowie Taurów, Agatyrsów, Neurów, Androfagów, Melanchlajnów, Gelonów, Budynów i Sauromatów."
"O Sauromatach taka krąży wieść. Kiedy Hellenowie prowadzili wojnę z Amazonkami (Amazonki nazywają Scytowie Ojorpata, co znaczy "mężobójczynie", bo ojor nazywa się u nich mąż, a pata zabijać), wtedy wedle podania Hellenowie, odniósłszy zwycięstwo w bitwie nad Termodontem, odpłynęli na trzech okrętach z wszystkimi Amazonkami, jakie zdołali żywcem pochwycić; te jednak na pełnym morzu rzuciły się na mężów i wymordowały ich."
"I odtąd kobiety Sauromatów zachowują dawny swój tryb życia, wyjeżdżając konno na łowy wraz z mężami lub bez mężów oraz wyruszając na wojnę i nosząc te same szaty co mężczyźni."
"Sauromaci posługują się językiem scytyjskim, ktÛrym jednak od dawien dawna czysto nie mÛwią, ponieważ Amazonki dobrze się go nie wyuczyły."
"Wobec tego sprawozdania Scytów odbywali naradę królowie, którzy przybyli od swych ludów, i zdania ich były podzielone. Władcy Gelonów, Budynów i Sauromatów zgodnie podjęli się udzielić Scytom pomocy; ale królowie Agatyrsów, Neurów, Androfagów, Melanchlajnów i Taurów - taką dali Scytom odpowiedź:"
"Gdy ta odpowiedź doszła do wiadomości Scytów, postanowili nie wdawać się w żaden regularny i otwarty bój, ponieważ tamci nie przystąpili do nich jako sprzymierzeńcy, lecz powoli i skrycie schodzić wrogowi z drogi i wymijać go, studnie, mimo których będzie przechodził, i źródła zasypywać, trawę z gruntu wyniszczać i podzielić się na dwie grupy bojowe. Do jednej z nich, której przewodził król Skopasis, mieli przyłączyć się Sauromaci, a miała ona, w razie gdyby Pers w tę stronę się zwrócił, po cichu cofać się prosto ku rzece Tanais, wzdłuż Jeziora Meockiego; gdyby zaś zawracał, mieli go zaczepiać i ścigać."
"A gdy ci przeprawili się przez rzekę Tanais, również Persowie ją przeszli i rzucili się w pościg, aż przez kraj Sauromatów przybyli do Budynów."
"Dopóki więc Persowie ciągnęli przez kraj ScytÛw i Sauromatów, nie mieli nic do niszczenia, ponieważ ziemia była nie uprawiona."
"Przeto ową grupę bojową, do ktÛrej przyłączeni byli Sauromaci, a ktÛrej przewodził Sko-pasis, wysłali nad Ister z poleceniem, żeby wdała się w układy z Jonami, ktÛrzy pilnowali przerzuconego przez Ister mostu; reszta zaś ScytÛw postanowiła nie zwodzić już dłużej Per-sÛw, lecz napadać na nich, ilekroć będą furażowali."
"Na tę wiadomość Scytowie co prędzej skupili wszystkie swe siły, tj. oba łączne oddziały Scytów i grupę bojową wraz z Sauromatami, Budynami i Gelonami, i ścigali Persów w prostej linii ku Istrowi."
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