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Wysłany: Pią 18:49, 01 Paź 2021 Temat postu: Berossos (tekst po angielsku i łacinie) |
Berossos (tekst po angielsku i łacinie)
Dzieło nosi tytuł "Babyloniak"
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Before the well-known disaster by which the whole world perished beneath the waters, many centuries had elapsed, the records of which have been faithfully preserved by our Chaldeans. According to their writings, there lived in those days a race of giants, in a city of great size, called Enos {= Enoch} near Mount Lebanon, which was the seat of empire over the whole world, from the rising of the sun to its setting. Trusting in their strength and colossal size, these giants made themselves weapons, and oppressed their neighbors all around. Wholly given up to a life of indulgence, they invented tents, instruments of music, and everything which contributes to pleasure.
885.1. They were cannibals. And they procured abortions and made them into food; and had sexual congress with their mothers, daughters, sisters, males and beasts. There was no crime which they did not habitually commit, in their reckless contempt both of gods and men.
885.2. In those days a great number of prophets announced the impending destruction of the world, and engraved their prophecies on stones; but the giants, hardened as they were in their sinful habits, laughed at the prophets’ threats, at the very time when the wrath and vengeance of Heaven were on the point of punishing their impious atrocities.
885.3. In Syria there was a giant whose name was Noa, the most righteous and the wisest man in Syria of those who had not abandoned the paths of virtue. He had three sons, Shem, Japhet, and Ham. Their wives were Tytea the Great, Pandora, Noela and Noegla.
885.4. Warned by the stars of the catastrophe which threatened the world, seventy-eight years before the time predicted for the inundation, Noa began to make a covered ship, in the form of a coffer or ark. Seventy-eight years after he began to build it, the sea rose suddenly above its ordinary level; all the inland seas, the rivers and springs, bursting through their usual barriers, raised the waters till they covered the mountains; unusual rains added to the calamity, rains which for a number of days fell in impetuous torrents and supernaturally flooding abundance. Thus, the whole of the human race perished, drowned by the waters, with the exception of Noa and his family; these were saved in the ark he had built. Carried by the waves to the summit of Mount Gordieus, the ark rested there. Some of its remains, it is said, may still be traced, and men go to the spot for the sake of the pitch which they use principally in their expiatory rites.
885.5. Commencing their narrative at this period, in the year when the human race was saved from the waters, our ancestors wrote innumerable volumes. It is our intention to condense their lengthy records, and merely to mention the origin and the names of the kings of such empires as are to this day considered to be amongst the greatest. The first and most glorious of all empires is our empire of Babylon in Asia. In Africa, the Egyptian empire and that of Libya were at first united in one, and were obedient to one sovereign. Our ancestors counted four empires in Europe, the empire of the Celtiberi, that of the Celts, that of Kytim (a country which by its natives is called Italy), and that of the Thuyscones which extends from the Rhine through the country of the Sarmatians to the sea. Some authors add a fifth, which they call the Ionic Empire.
It must be admitted, from the foregoing account and the writings of the Chaldeans and Scythians, that when the waters had disappeared from the face of the earth, there only remained the eight persons of whom we have spoken. They were in Armenia-Saga. From them the whole of the human race is descended. Hence the Scythians are right in calling Noa the Father of all the great and lesser gods, the Father of the human race, the Chaos and the Seed of the World. Tytea is, by them, called Aretea, i. e., Earth, because in her, Chaos deposited his seed, and from her, as from the earth, all creatures came into being. Besides his first three sons, Noa, after the Deluge, begat giants and many other sons. For the sake of brevity we shall only mention the generations of all these various individuals; we will begin with Noa, and then proceed with each of the others.
886.1. In the first place, to Noa Dysir they gave the name of Ogygisan-Saga, i. e., the illustrious pontiff in sacred matters.
We shall only make a brief extract now of what is related in our books respecting Chaldean and Scythian history, with respect to the respective genealogies and descents of sovereigns and heroes. The same books mention several other characters whom we shall pass over in silence, as their history would contribute little or nothing to the brief summary we intend to make; we reserve, however, to ourselves the right to mention them should it be deemed necessary.
887.1. We have now to explain how the depopulated globe was again covered with inhabitants and colonies. The waters disappeared from the face of the earth, and the land was dried up by the sun. Noa and his family came down from Mount Gordieus into the plain which it overshadowed. The plain was thickly strewn with corpses, from which fact, the place has to this day retained the name of Myri-Adam, which means, disemboweled men. Noa wrote the record of these events upon a monumental stone. The inhabitants of that place still call it, the place of the coming out of Noa.
887.2. Now they (Noa and his sons) knew their wives, who, on the very day expected, regularly brought forth twins of different sexes; afterwards, when these twins had grown to years of puberty, and married, they also had twins at each birth: for never did either God or Nature, whose desire it is to spread life throughout the world, fail the wants of creation.
887.3. After a short time, when the human race had multiplied with great rapidity, and filled the country of Armenia, it became necessary that its inhabitants should go abroad and seek new settlements. Noa, the father of all, then at a very advanced age, had already taught them the doctrines of their religion and religious rites; he then began to instruct them in the human sciences. Consequently, he drew up a number of secret topics of instruction in natural philosophy, and consigned them to the books which by the Scytho-Armenians are only entrusted to their priests. No one is allowed to consult those books, or to read them, or to teach their contents to others, except the priests, and even then only when they are amongst men of their own order. The same remark applies to the sacred books composed by Noa, on account of which he received the name of Saga, which means priest, sacrificer, or pontiff.
887.4. Noa also taught men to understand the motions of the planets; he divided time into years, according to the sun’s course, and the year into twelve months, according to the revolutions of the moon. Everything that was destined to happen in the course of the year, and its cardinal divisions, was revealed to men by this science, from the first day of the year.
887.5. Grateful for such benefits, men looked upon Noa as an emanation from the Divine Essence, and called him Olybama and Arsa, that is to say, Heaven and Sun, and under that name they consecrated several cities to his memory; for up to that period the Scytho-Armenians were in possession of the cities of Olybama and Arsa-Ratha, and others named in the same way.
887.6. Noa went to rule over Kitim, which is now called Italy. The Armenians regretted his departure so deeply, that after his death they awarded him divine honours, and looked upon him as the life of the world. In the two countries of Armenia and Italy, the one where he began and the other where he ended his teaching, his reign and his life, the men to whom he left his most complete books, those which contained all that he had taught them concerning things both human and divine, worshiped him, and called him Heaven, Sun, Chaos, Seed of the Universe, Father of Gods, both great and small; Life of the World, the Giver of Power and Motion to the Heavens and to mixed substances, to vegetation, to animals, and to mankind; the God of peace, justice, and holiness; the Warder off of misfortune, and the Guardian of wealth. With a view of expressing this, both nations represent his attributes emblematically by the course of the sun, and the revolutions of the moon, and the scepter of the kingdom, with which he drives all wicked people and evil spirits far from the society of men; they also represented chastity of body and purity of soul, the two keys which admit to the regions of happiness and religion.
887.7. With the same reverential feeling, they used to call Thytea, who was the Mother of all living, Aretia, i.e., the Earth; after her death they called her Esta, i. e., fire, because she presided as a queen at all religious ceremonies, and taught the young virgins how to keep the fire, which was used for sacrifices, constantly burning.
887.8. Before he left Armenia, Noa remained content with having taught men agriculture, thinking that religion and good morals were better than the riches and the pleasures which lead to debauchery and crime, and which had already called down the wrath of Heaven upon the earth. He was, nevertheless, the first to plant the vine, and teach men how to make wine. Not being aware of the potency of such a beverage, and of the vapors it exhales, he became senseless, and fell to the ground in an indecent posture. He had, as has already been stated, a son out of his first three, a junior son, Chem, who, being ever engaged in the study of magic and sorcery, was in consequence of this called Zoroaster. Finding that he was neglected by Noa, who displayed a marked preference for his other children, the last to be born, he began to have an aversion to him; but Chem’s faults were at the root of his hostility to his father. He found him once sleeping heavily, in consequence of having imbibed too much wine, and took advantage of the opportunity: discovering his private parts exposed, and, mumbling something beneath his breath, he made a mockery of his father by magic incantation, and at the same time rendered him sterile and impotent ever after, so that from that time Noa could not make a woman conceive.
887.9. Grateful for the present which he had made them of the vine and wine, the Armenians honor Noa with the surname of Janus. With them the title means, the Giver of the Vine, or of Wine. Now, Chem was degrading the mortal race in a collective sense, championing the idea and upholding it by the nature of the circumstance itself that congress might be had, as it was before the Deluge, with mothers, sisters, daughters, males, brute beasts, or any other species.
887.10. For this reason he was sent into exile by Janus, who was a model of piety, chastity, and modesty, and was given the epithet Chemesenuus, i. e., Chem the infamous, the unchaste, the evil spirit of propagation incarnate. Esen, among the Aramaean-Scythians means, infamous and unchaste. Enua means sometimes a propagator, and sometimes unchaste.
887.11. The Egyptians were the only people who adopted the doctrines of Chemesenuus; they turned him into Saturn, a younger god amongst the other gods, and dedicated to his honor a city called Chem-Myn, the inhabitants of which are called Chemmenites to this day. In course of time, however, their descendants abandoned such wicked dogmas, and only retained one objectionable point, viz., the legality of marriages between brothers and sisters.
The human race had multiplied prodigiously; it became necessary that men should seek for new settlements. Janus the father of men accordingly advised the heads of families to seek new homes, to live in societies amongst men, and to build cities.
888.1. He taught them that the world was divided into three parts, Asia, Africa, and Europe, just as he had known it before the Deluge. He assigned to each head of a family the country to which he was to proceed, and promised that he would himself take colonies into the whole world.
888.2. Accordingly he created Nymbrotus the first Saturn of Babylonia, in order that he first might go and build a city in that region. By the act of adopting Jupiter Belus as a son, along with the colonies, Nymbrotus obtained by stealth things which fell within the sacred preserve of Jupiter Saga.
888.3. Nymbrotus came with all his people into the plains of Sennaar; there he marked out a site for a city, and laid the foundations for a tower of great height in the hundred and thirty-first year after the human race had escaped from the plague of waters.
888.4. He reigned fifty-six years. It was his wish that the tower which he was about to build should equal the mountains in size and height, in order that it might be a sign and a monument of the superiority of the Babylonian people over every other people, and of the right which it possessed to be called the kingdom of all kingdoms. I shall therefore begin my history with an account of that empire, and mention, as I proceed, the years in which its several princes successively reigned; thus we shall be able to establish a parallel between the history of this and the history of the other empires, their annals and the names of their rulers.
888.5. In the 131st year after the disappearance of the waters, our nation and our Babylonian city, the first of nations and the first of cities, were thoroughly constituted and founded by our Babylonian Saturn. The posterity of our ancestors multiplied enormously. Our Saturn did not seek to secure opulence so much as religion and peace. He built the tower, but did not finish it; and he did not build the city of which he had marked out the site, because, after he had reigned fifty-six years, he was never seen again upon the earth; he had been removed from it by the gods.
888.6. During the early part of the reign of Nymbrotus, Janus sent colonies into Egypt, under the command of Chemesenuus; into Libya and Cyrene, under the command of Triton; and into the rest of Africa, under the command of Japetus, the old Atalaa.
888.7. Into Eastern Asia he sent Ganges with some of the descendants of Comerus-Gallus, and into Arabia Felix he sent Saba, surnamed Thurifer, or incense-bearer. He gave the sovereignty over Arabia Deserta to Arabus, and over Arabia Petraea to Petreius. Cana was governor of the country from Damascus to the extremity of Palestine.
888.8. In Europe, Thuyscon reigned from the Tanais to the Rhine by command of Janus, who joined to him the sons of Ister and Moesa with all his brothers. Their rule extended from Mount Adula to the southern region which borders on the sea. Under them were Tyras, Arcadius, and Aemathius. Comerus Gallus settled in Italy; Samotes governed the Celts, and Jubal the Celtiberians.
888.9. Such are the people who, after Nymbrotus, came out of Armenia with their families, and the colonies which were destined to follow them. Each of the chiefs gave his name to the country in which he settled, in memory of the expedition with which Janus had entrusted them, and as a monument which in after ages would remind each nation of its original founder.
888.10. By order of Janus, all these chiefs raised a tower or fortress, to serve as a metropolis for their colony. As to the people themselves, they lived in caverns or in chariots.
888.11. Our Saturn was the only one who exceeded the commands of Janus, because his great wish was that Babylon should be the city of cities, and the kingdom of kingdoms.
888.12. In those days, after the departure of the heads of families whom he had sent out to found colonies, Janus divided the men who remained into two portions; for he had kept at home with himself several sons who were born after the human race had been saved from the waters of the Deluge, and besides these, a great number of families whom he intended to lead himself into various distant colonies.
888.13. Scytha, with his mother Araxa, and some colonists especially selected to settle in Armenia, were left in that country, and Scytha was the first to bear the title of king.
888.14. Sabatius Saga was appointed Sovereign Pontiff in the region which extends from Armenia to Bactria, and which is still called Scythia Saga. Last of all, Janus left Armenia to plant colonies all over the world.
888.15. Such are the facts which our ancestors have handed down to us in a great number of books. We will now proceed to the recital of their annals and those of their descendants, following the accounts which are carefully and correctly reported in our Chaldean and in our early Scythian histories.
As we said before, in the 131st year after the human race had been saved from the plague of waters, the Babylonian Empire commenced during the life of our Saturn (Nymbrotus), who reigned for 56 years, and was the father of Jupiter Belus.
889.1. In the tenth year of the reign of Nymbrotus, Comerus Gallus established various colonies in the country which has since been called Italy. He gave the country its name, and taught its inhabitants to observe the laws and be just.
889.2. In the twelfth year, Jubal founded the empire of the Celtiberians. Soon after, Samothes, who is also Dis, established the Celts; no one at that period could vie with him in wisdom, hence his name, Samothes.
889.3. In the fifteenth year of Nymbrotus, Oceanus came to the banks of the Nile, and had several children by his wife Thetys.
889.4. Chemesenuus, the degrader of the human race, came from Egypt to instruct the Telchines in the art of magic, and so ably did he succeed, that he was universally held in the highest reverence.
889.5. In the eighteenth year of the same reign, Gogus, whilst still a child, succeeded to his father in the government of Arabia Felix and Sabaea. Triton reigned in Libya, Japetus (the old Atalaa) in Africa, Cur in Ethiopia, and Getulus in Getulia.
889.6. In the twenty-fifth year, Thuyscon succeeded in establishing the settlements of that great people the Sarmatians; and Moesa, with the sons of Ister, established the Moesians in the country which extends from Mount Adula to the southern region near the sea.
889.7. In the thirty-eighth year, the Armenian Sagas, whose population had increased rapidly, took possession of all the Caspian regions, Armenia, and Bactria. Janus then led the Janean colonists into Hyrcania, and the Janili into Mesopotamia, towards the sea below Babylon.
889.8. In the fortieth year some colonists, the children of Comerus, sought to settle in Bactria. Ganges settled in India, in the part of the country which bears his name.
889.9. In the forty-fifth year, a certain union was effected between the descendants of Moesa and Getulus, from which the nation of the Massagetae arose. At the same period, our Saturn the King of Babylonia sent Assyrius, Medus, Moscus and Magog as heads of colonies, by whom the empires of the Assyrians, Medes and Magogs were established in Asia, and that of the Mosci both in Asia and Europe.
889.10. Anamaeon founded the empire of the Maeonians, who were so called after him. He reigned over them 101 years.
889.11. The second king of the Babylonians, Jupiter Belus, the son of Saturnus Nymbrotus, reigned sixty-two years, and on the site which he had marked out for the building of Babylon, he erected a fortress rather than a town.
889.12. His reign was one of peace, from its commencement to its close. In the third year of the reign of Belus, Comerus, faithful to the customs of Scythia, of which he was a native, taught the Italians to found cities (urbes) with chariots or carts, hence the people were called Veii, from the Saga word Veia, which means a chariot. If a town thus constituted be a small one, it is called Veitula; if a large one, it is called Ulurdum; and if a metropolis, it is called Cyochola.
889.13. Comerus taught men to enclose the inhabited places which were called after him.
889.14. Tyras, after founding Tyre, occupied the coast with the heads of the colonies over which he ruled, and peopled Thrace.
889.15. Arcadius settled in Arcadia, and Aemathius in Aemathia. In the fourth year of Belus, Janus led some colonies out into Arabia Felix; after his own name and surname, he called the one Noa and the others Janinese.
889.16. The descendants of Comerus Gallus were called, after his surname, Galli or Gauls.
889.17. In the fifty-sixth year of Belus, Chemesenuus came into Italy in the direction of the Comeri. Comerus had ceased to be seen on the earth; Chemesenuus seized upon the reins of government over the colonies, and began to degrade the people’s morals by his impieties and offenses.
889.18. Janus having settled a number of colonies on the banks of the river which flows through Arabia Felix, and called them after himself, Janineae, passed over into Africa, to the kingdom of Triton.
889.19. At this period Jupiter Belus began to be affected by a desire for conquest. A short time before this, Araxa and her son {not “his son,” as the context shows} Scytha had occupied the whole of the region which lies to the west of Armenia, and extends to Sarmatia in Europe. When they quitted Armenia, they left there Sabatius-Saga with the title of king.
889.20. Jupiter Belus found out that he could not conquer the rest of the nations without first conquering Sabatius, the king of the Sagas, or putting him to death; accordingly, he determined to compass his death secretly. The Saturn of Armenia, fearing that he could not escape the innumerable snares laid for him by Jupiter Belus, fled for safety and concealed himself amongst the Caspian Sagas.
889.21. When about to pay the last debt of nature, Jupiter Belus commanded his son Ninus to destroy the power of Sabatius-Saga utterly, and to bring all the tribes into subjection to the Babylonian empire, because that empire was the first that had been established in the world.
889.22. Having heard of the command of Belus, Sabatius concealed himself amongst the Sagas of Bactria, until a favourable opportunity should arise either of taking flight or returning to the throne. The forces which Jupiter Belus had prepared against him drove him away from his kingdom about the time of Semiramis.
889.23. At no distant period, Triton left the kingdom of Libya to his son Hammon, who married Rhea, the sister of Chemesenuus, the Saturn of the Egyptians. But, unknown to Rhea, a young girl named Amalthea became by him the mother of Dionysius, who by his orders was brought up at Nysa, a town in Arabia.
889.24. Our historians are of opinion that Ninus, the son of Jupiter Belus, was the third king of Babylonia; he reigned fifty-two years.
889.25. Ninus collected all his forces, and, taking advantage of the military preparations of his father Jupiter Belus, he declared war against all the nations. He spared none, and was especially anxious to put Sabatius-Saga to death, as he was the object of universal regret. Hence Sabatius remained in exile and concealment amongst his own people during the whole of that reign.
889.26. Ninus was the first of our Babylonian kings who extended the limits of his empire; he was the first also to raise statues in the centre of the fortified enclosure of Babylon, to Jupiter Belus his father, to his mother Juno, and to his grandmother Rhea.
889.27. In the fourth year of the reign of Ninus, the giant Thuyscon gave laws to the Sarmatians who were settled on the banks of the Rhine. Jubal did the same for the Celtiberians, and Samotes for the Celts.
889.28. On the other hand, Chemesenuus the Saturn of the Egyptians, proceeded to degrade the Comeri in Italy; he was assisted in this by the assembled strangers and immigrants, whom he had brought together with the view of forming colonies in that country, and who, as a body, were called Mountaineer Aborigines by the Italians.
889.29. In Libya, a dispute arose between Rhea and Hammon, in consequence of the relations which had existed between the latter and Amalthea. Rhea wished to know where Dionysius was, so that she might put him to death. The quarrel was one which lasted long.
889.30. In the tenth year of Ninus, Janus came from Africa to the Celtiberians of Spain; there he established two colonies, which he named Noela and Noegla, the same surnames which he had already given to the wives of Japetus and Chemesenuus.
889.31. In the twenty-ninth year Janus crossed into Italy, and found that there also Chemesenuus was degrading the youth more than expected.
889.32. He bore his conduct patiently for three years; after which he ordered him to leave Italy with a few of the colonists, whom he placed under his command. Next, he divided the colonies which were then established in Italy. The Comeri who had become demoralized, the assembled strangers and immigrants, received orders to settle in the mountain regions beyond the river Janiculum. To reign over them, he gave them his daughter Crana, with the title of Helerna, i.e., a queen elected and raised to the throne by universal suffrage. Now Janus had sent his two last children Cranus and Crana and all their descendants into Italy, when he sent Comerus thither. This family became a numerous people in consequence of their rapid increase, and are still known in our own days by the name of Janigenes, or descendants of Janus; Janus, however, gave them the surname of Razenua, the sacred spirit of procreation, in opposition to the wickedness of Chemesenuus. In this way Janus showed his desire to separate his own descendants from the aborigines, and settled them beyond the Janiculum, on the sea-coast. He surnamed his daughter Razenua, and his son Cranus he surnamed Razenuus.
889.33. Chemesenuus had left Italy. His sister Rhea came to meet him and married him; both of them were joined by the Titans, then marched against Hammon, fought with him, and drove him from his kingdom; and further, forced him to retire into Crete. Chemesenuus reigned in Libya, and had, by his sister Rhea, a son called Osiris, to whom he gave the surname of Jupiter.
889.34. In the twenty-second year of Ninus, Janus, who had founded Janiculum in Thusia (Tuscany), during the sojourning of Chemesenuus in Italy, determined to make it his fixed abode, and extended his possessions to the Arno. Having placed colonies there, he called them Aryn-Janae, i.e., solemnly named or dedicated by Janus. Janus enacted laws and taught them to the people in Vetulonia, where also, he was chief ruler.
889.35. In the forty-third year of Ninus, Sabatius became convinced that it was impossible to retain any hold upon his kingdom, and accordingly he left his son Barzanes as king over the Armenian Sagas, whilst he himself fled to Pontus, to the region inhabited by the Sarmatians. About the same time, Dionysius, the son of Hammon, took up arms and drove Rhea and Chemesenuus out of his father’s kingdom. Osiris he kept, and adopted as a son. After the names of his father and his master Olympus, he called him Jupiter Ammon and Olympicus. He gave him the kingdom of Egypt. During the same year, the Virgin Pallas, who was still very young, was abandoned on the shore of the lake Tritonis. The same Dionysius who was surnamed the Libyan Jupiter, adopted her as a daughter. She it was who taught the Libyans all the details of the military art.
889.36. About the same period Janus taught the Janigenes Razenui natural philosophy, astronomy, the art of divination, and religious rites. He committed all his teaching to writing, and composed what were called the Ritual Books. The Razenui adopted all the forms of worship and the names which were given to sacred things, which were already in common use amongst the Armenians.
889.37. In the forty-ninth year of Ninus, Iberius, the son of Jubal, reigned over the Celtiberians, who were named Iberians after him. In the fifty-first year, Magus, the son of Samotes, reigned over the Celts, and built several towns amongst them.
889.38. In the last year of his reign, Ninus gained the victory over Barzanes, the king of Armenia.
889.39. The fourth sovereign in Babylon was Semiramis, who was born at Ascalon. She reigned forty-two years. She surpassed all her predecessors and contemporaries in the brilliancy of her exploits, victories, triumphs, riches, and in the extent of her dominions. Of the fortified enclosure of Babylon she made an immense city, so that it may be truly said of her that she did not enlarge the city, but that she founded it. There is not a man who can be compared with this woman, so many are the wonderful things which have been written and related concerning her; some to her disadvantage, but most to the contrary.
889.40. In the first year of the reign of Semiramis, the Egyptian Juno was born, the offspring of Rhea and Chemesenuus; she was afterwards called Isis the Great, she who bestows fruits and enacts laws, the wife of Osiris.
889.41. In the same year, Sabatius came by sea into Italy, to Janus the father of men. The latter treated him with great hospitality, and after a lapse of some years made him Coritus, and appointed him ruler over the Aborigines.
889.42. In the sixth year of Semiramis, Mannus, the son of Thuyscon, reigned over the Sarmatians of the Rhine. Amongst the Janigenes Razenui, Vesta, the wife of Janus, entrusted the care of the ever-burning fire to the young virgins whom she had initiated in the ceremonies of religious worship.
889.43. In the twelfth year of Semiramis, Sabatius ruled Saba jointly with Janus.
889.44. In the seventeenth year, Sabatius-Saga taught the people agricultural pursuits, and the elements of religion.
889.45. In the twenty-second year Sabatius made Sabus governor over the Sabines and the Aborigines. He himself continued to live near the region of Janiculum with the rest of the Curetes, and there he died.
889.46. In the thirty-fourth year Jubelda the son of Hiberus reigned over the Celtiberians, on the mountain which bears his name.
889.47. Zameis-Ninias, the fifth king of Babylon, reigned thirty eight years. He did little for the glory of the empire; yet he ornamented the temples of the gods and increased the greatness of the Chaldeans.
889.48. In the second year of the reign of Ninias, when Sabatius was dead, Janus, who had then reached an extreme old age, appointed his son Cranus to be Coritus; and eight years after, he died at the age of 350 years. The Janigenes called him Vertumnus, and awarded to him, as it was right they should, a temple and divine honours.
889.49. During this year Osiris and his sister, who was still very young, discovered wheat, and the art of cultivating grain. Osiris began to introduce both into Palestine. On his return into Egypt, he invented the plough, and all other instruments which are used in agriculture. He then travelled here and there in the world to teach men all his inventions, and became ruler over the whole of the world, except in the countries which were already subject to Babylonian rule.
889.50. In the same year, Sarron was king over the Celts. With the view of softening the manners of men who had only recently collected together into societies, he established a system of teaching letters publicly. Inghaevon reigned over the Thuyscons.
889.51. Arius, the sixth king of Babylon, ruled 30 years, and subjected the whole of Bactria and its inhabitants to his rule. A short time before the death of Ninias, Chemesenuus, who had been forced out of nearly every part of the world, had reached the country of the Bactrians, and owing to his great influence in Magic, he had won upon them to such a degree, that he succeeded in ruling over them with the most absolute authority. Chemesenuus, having collected a large army in Bactria, invaded Assyria. Ninus fought against him, and having gained the victory cut off his head. It was not long before he died. After his death, Arius assembled his troops and conquered the Bactrians and all the Caspian tribes.
889.52. Cranus-Janigen having lost his sister, celebrated her funeral obsequies with great pomp, in company with the Razenui and all the Aborigines. In a grove near the Janiculum, he appointed a regular system of worship in her memory, and an annual festival. When he had grown old he appointed his son Aurunus to be Coritus.
889.53. In the twentieth year of the reign of Arius, Brygus was king of the Celtiberians. He founded a great number of cities in those regions, and gave his name to them, adding to each the name of the chief to whom the care of the city was in the first instance intrusted.
889.54. The ancient Hyarbas reigned in Libya; he was a warrior, formidable in arms, and dreaded on account of his Paladuan troops.
889.55. In the twenty-fourth year of Arius, Aurunus, the son of Cranus, reigned over the Janigenes; and in the thirtieth year Dryas, a learned and prudent man, reigned over the Celts.”
889.56. “The seventh ruler of the Assyrians was Aralius who ruled for 40 years. This man was of outstanding ingenuity in military training, and he was the first to multiply parades and precious stones and female luxuries. Amongst the Libyans Hyarbas, fighting with the Paladuan women, was no match for them. Resorting therefore to bribes he reconciled himself to sharing power with them.
889.57. Amongst the Tuyscones reigned Herminon, a man ferocious in battle, and amongst the Celts, Bardus, who was renowned amongst them for the composition of songs and melodies.
889.58. In the 10th year of Aralius the Armenian Janigenes Griphonii came to Aurunus Janigenus with their colonies. He received them hospitably and assigned them a place of residence with the Janigenes Razenui. At that same time Auson was received by Aurunus along with his fleet, in the following eighth year, and they were assigned their own places of residence by him in the eastern parts of Italy.
889.59. The same Aurunus dedicated a grove in Vetulonia to Cranus, and numbered him amongst the Isi, that is the gods. He also dedicated a temple and a statue to Janus Vertumnus not far from the city, and founded a shrine to the god Razenuus in Vetulonia.
889.60. In his latter years Aurunus created his son Malot Tages Coritus, and in the 35th year of Aralius he died and Malot Tages succeeded him.
889.61. In the last but one year of Aralius Phaeton came with a fleet to Malot Tages Janigenus Razenuus along with his sons. Finding everywhere in the east occupied by the Ausonii, and the mountainous regions under the control of the Galli and Aborigines, and the low land inhabited by the Razenui Janigenes, he was granted land in the western zone, and took possession of the mountains and the whole of the Eridanus up to the neighboring region along with his posterity, bestowing names on these places.
889.62. At that time Italy burned for many days in three regions, around the Istrians, Cymeans and Vesuvians, and those regions were called by the Janigeni Palensana, that is, the Burned-over Region.
889.63. The eighth king of Babylonia was Baleus, surnamed Xerses, and he reigned 30 years. They called him Xerses, that is, Victor and Conqueror, because he came to dominate double the number of nations, and more, than Aralius had dominated. For he was ferocious in armed conflict, and successful, and spread the area of his dominion as far as the regions bordering the Indians.
889.64. In the times of this Baleus Xerses Tagus, surnamed Orma, ruled amongst the Celts, and from him his homeland was called Taga. Marsus reigned amongst the Tuyscones, and Phaeton left his son Lygur amongst the Lygures and returned to Ethiopia, whilst Maloth Tages multiplied the sacred rites handed down by Janus and the inspection of sacrificial entrails.
889.65. The ninth king of Babylon Armatritis ruled for 38 years. Turning more towards luxury and pleasure, he both invented himself things which incline to lust, and caused those which had already been invented to increase much more abundantly. In his era Longho reigned amongst the Celts, and Betus amongst the Celtiberi, from whom the kingdom received its name. And amongst the Janigenes Sicanus the son of Maloth Tages, after whom the region of Vetulonia obtained its by-name.
889.66. In the twentieth year of Armatritis Lygur sent forth Cydnus and Eridanus with colonies, along with their brethren and descendants: and they occupied the regions in Italy reaching to the Ister.
889.67. Sicanus deified Aretia, and called her in the language of the Janigenes Horchia.
889.68. Osiris killed the giant Lycurgus in Thrace.
889.69. In the thirty-second year of Armatritis Deabus became a tyrant over the Celtiberi. He earned this title from digging up gold and precious things, which he was the first to acquire and discover there, putting the colonies under service. And after two years Bardus Junior began to rule amongst the Celts.
889.70. Belochus became the tenth king of the Assyrians, reigning for thirty-five years. He took the cognomen of Belus, because he wanted to exercise dominion as the chief of the priests of Belus Iovis, and his mind was principally occupied with auspices and divinations. Amongst the Tuyscones Gambrivius became king, and he was a man of fierce spirit.
889.71. Amongst the Emathii Macedon the son of Osiris began to reign, and the region retains its name from him to the present day, whilst Osiris subdued the giants around this kingdom, as they had now begun to exercise their tyranny.
889.72. In the twenty-ninth year of this Belochus, the Lomnimi flourished amongst the Celtiberi, and built a great city, named Lomnimia after them. In the following year the Itali were oppressed by the tyrannical giants in the three Palensana, and summoned Osiris to their aid, since he had arrived with colonies at the springs in the vicinity of the Ister . Osiris took the whole of Italy under his control and held it for ten years, giving it his own name as a mark of triumph: and bringing the giants into subjection, he left the giant Lestrigon as king of the Janigenes, being his grandson by his son Neptunus.
889.73. In the 33rd year of Belochus king Lucus began to reign amongst the Celts. In the latter years of Belochus the Attic sea overpowered, and, overspreading its bounds, inundated, Attica.
889.74. The eleventh king of the Babylonians was Baleus, reigning for fifty-two years. After Semiramis his fame outshines the rest. He reigned gloriously over the lands this side of India. Many books of his deeds have been composed by our writers. In the tenth year of his reign Porcus filled Cados Sene island {= Sardinia} with colonies from Vetulonia, leaving part to the Lygures for their posterity.
889.75. In the time of this Baleus the Indians gained possession of their own territories from the Babylonians. Osiris returned to Egypt and inscribed on a column which remains to this day a memorial of his expedition through the whole world.
889.76. Amongst the Tuyscones reigned Suaevus, and amongst the Celts Celtes. Their highest mountains {= the Pyrenees}, which divide the Celts from the Celtiberi, were named by him after a conflagration of the forests.
889.77. Egyptian Typhon, in alliance with all the giants of the world, slew his brother Osiris Iovis Iustus Aegyptius, and he himself assumed the rule over Egypt as a tyrant. Busiris did the same in Phoenicia, another Typhon in Phrygia, Anteus in Libya, in Celtiberia the Lomnini, in Italy the Lestrigones, and over the whole sea Milinus of Crete.
889.78. Hercules the son of Osiris, whose name was Libyus, along with Isis in Egypt took on Typhon, in Phoenicia Busiris, another Typhon in Phrygia, Milinus in Crete, Anteus in Libya, the Lomnini in Celtiberia, whereupon Hispalus was substituted as their king instead, and then he returned to deal with the tyrants of Italy. While he was passing through the Celts on his way to Italy, he begot by Galathea, with the permission of her parents, king Galathes.
889.79. In Italy he made war for ten years and drove out the Lestrigones, afterwards reigning peacefully amongst them for 20 years. He also founded many towns for them bearing his name and his by-name Musarna, as of Gedrosia and Carnania, and he made places impassible on account of flooding suitable for human habitation. And so in the 41st year of Baleus he stirred up war in Italy against the giants, and destroyed them in the second year before his death. Thus Hercules came to Italy from the Hispali, took on the Lestrigones and all the tyrants, founded the Arni, Lybarni and Musarni named after himself, reigned for thirty years and left Thuscus as their duly appointed king.
889.80. Altades was the twelfth king of the Babylonians, ruling for 32 years. He devoted a significant portion of his time to luxury, considering it wasted if spent in labor, and his life a continual misery if devoted to work, not indeed for the advantage and benefit of others and for humanity in general, but for their ruin and servitude. Therefore he so ordered his life that it should be productive of wealth and pomp, and that all his days on earth moroseness and misery should be foreign to his experience, yielding to greater achievements.
889.81. In the time of this Altades Hercules summoned the son Thuscus whom he had begotten from Araxa from the region of the Tanais. Galathes, after whom the Samothei were named Galli, reigned in his era amongst the Celts, and Vandalus amongst the Tuyscones.
889.82. Hercules made his son Thuscus, as was customary, Coritus over the Janigenes. He left him king over them, and in extreme old age returned to the Celtiberi, in the thirty-ninth year of Altades, and reigned and died there. The Celtiberi awarded him a temple in Gades and a sepulcher and divine honors, and dedicated many cities in his name as recognition of his achievements, as for example Libysosona, Libysoca, Libunca, and Libora.
889.83. Thuscus despatched the young Galathes (who had been sent to Hercules) to Sicily with colonies. The same Thuscus first instructed the Palatuan militia and the Razenui Janigenes in first principles.
889.84. The thirteenth king of Babylonia Mamitus ruled thirty years. He by contrast trained the soldiers and familiarized them with labor, allowing luxuries, unguents and ointments only at fixed intervals, and thus made it his aim to excel in armed conflict. He became formidable to the Syrians and Egyptians. In his twenty-second year Alteus the son of Thuscus reigned amongst the Janigenes and in the second year prior to this Hesperus the brother of Kitym amongst the Celtiberi, and further Narbon amongst the Celts and Teutanes amongst the Tuyscones.
889.85. The fourteenth king to have dominion over the Babylonians was Mancaleus, ruling for 30 years. In his first year Kytim reigned amongst the Celtiberi, having driven out his brother Hesperus into Italy.
889.86. In the twelfth year of Mancaleus, Kitym ruled amongst the Janigenes, leaving as king over the Celtiberi his son Sicorus. In the era of the same Mancaleus Hercules Alemannus ruled amongst the Tuyscones, and Lugdus amongst the Celts, and various districts and men received their names from him.
889.87. The Itali called Kytim Italus Atala in their own language on account of his mental capacity. He gave his daughter Electra as wife to Cambo Blascon the chief of the Janigenes. For his wedding Italus sent colonies across the Alps adjoining Italy and consecrated his daughter Roma first of all under-queen of the Aborigines. Italus Kytim made also his son Morges Coritus.
889.88. The fifteenth king to have dominion over the Assyrians was Sferus, who ruled for 20 years, a man whose deeds and wisdom all the people celebrate. In his time Morges the son of Italus made his relative Camboblascon Coritus, and Itus remained Coritus till a little while later. Amongst the Celtiberi reigned Sicanus the son of Sicorus, after the death of Sferus under Mamelus.
889.89. The sixteenth king to have dominion over the Babylonians was Mamelus who ruled 30 years. In his eighth year Romanessos son of Roma became the first sub-king of the mountain Aborigines and Sicanus reigned amongst the Celtiberi.
889.90. Amongst the Celts reigned Beligius from whom the Belgians received their name and amongst the Janigenes finally Iasius was made Coritus by his father.
889.91. Iasius was made Coritus and the next year two kings began to rule at the same time, that is, Cecrops Priscus the first king of the Athenians and Iasius Janigena amongst the Celts.
889.92. Io the Egyptian was present at the marriage of Iasius. Alone amongst women she lived one more century than Dodoneus and wandered over almost the whole world after the slaying of her husband.
889.93. The seventeenth king of the Babylonians was Sparetus, and he ruled 40 years. Under him marvelous events began to occur in the world. It was then that an earthquake terrified the Babylonians. The Athenians set up their kingdom in his 4th year. That same year Iasius Janigene acquired dominion over the Italians, and a little while later Siceleus over the Celtiberi.
889.94. Under Sparetus the great Egyptian kings Orus, Acencheres, Acoris, ended their reigns and Chencres began his, who fought by Magic arts with the Hebrews and was submerged by them. In his 34th and 35th year there was an inundation in Thessaly, not only as a result of rainstorms but on account of the fact that blockages occurred through the collapse of mountains and rivers filled the low-lying land, and by the earthquake which followed the mountains’ rocky structure was split apart and water reversed in the channels. And in other parts of them a fire followed the earthquake, under a certain king of theirs Phaeton. And our king conquered the Phoenicians and Syrians. But before all this in the 20th year of his reign Io returned to Egypt from Italy. And the first intestinal struggle arose for the royal power between Dardanus and Iasius. The Aborigines sided with Dardanus and the Janigenes and Sicels, along with Siceleus, sided with Iasius.
889.95. The eighteenth king to exercise power over the Babylonians was Ascatades. He ruled 41 years and brought the whole of Syria completely under his sway. In his 13th year the discovery of the vine is said to have been made amongst the Greeks. In the same year Dardanus slew Iasius by guile and fleeing to Samothrace lay hidden there for a considerable period of time.
889.96. Iasius was succeeded by his son Coribantus.
889.97. In the 8th year of Ascatades Cancres, overcome by the magic arts of the Hebrews, perished in the sea, and he was succeeded amongst the Egyptians by Acherres, amongst the Celtiberi Lusus came to power, amongst the Celts Allobrox, and amongst the Italians Romanessus the son of Roma, consecrated the first Saturnus, presently ended his life, being succeeded by his son Picus Priscus.
889.98. In the last year of the reign of Ascatades Ato bestowed a part of the Maeonian territory on Dardanus, and thus the kingdom of Troy began. Whatever legal rights Dardanus had in the kingdom of Italy he resigned to Turrenus the son of Ato.
889.99. Turrhenus sailed to Italy Janigena, and was received with joy by Cybele and Coribantus, and was granted political status amongst the Razenui.
889.100. The same Turrhenus brought forth out of his treasures and made gifts of many Maeonian ornaments. Coribantus and Cybele, adorned with Dynastic power over twelve princes of twelve tribes of the Janigenes, conveyed themselves into Phrygia.
889.101. Further also under Ascatades there reigned amongst the Egyptians Cherres and Armeus, who was given the cognomen Danaus, and Ramesses, with the cognomen Aegyptus.
889.102. Thus the rulers and history of the primordial kingdoms are set forth in our traditions, from Janus at the time of the first Inundation up to the foundation of the kingdom of Dardania, and are herein recorded by us in a series of brief notices.”
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Liber I.
891.1. 1. Ante aquarum cladem famosam qua universus periit orbis, multa praeterierunt saecula, quae a nostris Chaldaeis fideliter fuerunt servata.
891.2. 2. Scribunt illis temporibus circa Lybanum fuisse Enos urbem maximam gigantum, qui universo orbi dominabantur, ab occasu solis ad ortum. Hi vastitate corporis ac robore confisi, inventis armis omnes opprimebant, libidinique inservientes, invenerunt papiliones, et instrumenta musica et omnes delitias. Manducabant homines et procurabant aborsus, in eduliumque praeparabant, et commiscebantur matribus, filiabus, sororibus, et masculis, brutis, et nihil erat sceleris quod non admitterent, contemptores religionis et deorum.
891.3. 3. Tum multi praedicabant et vaticinabantur, et lapidibus excidebant, de ea quae ventura erat orbis perditione, sed enim illi assueti corridebant omnia, caelestium illos ira atque ultione perurgente pro impietate atque sceleribus.
891.4. 4. Unus inter gigantes erat, qui deorum veneratior et prudentior cunctis, reliquus ex probis erat in Syria. Huic nomen erat Noa, cum tribus filiis, Samo, Iapeto, Chem et uxoribus Tytea magna, Pandora, Noela, et Noegla, is timens quam ex astris futuram prospectabat cladem, anno .lxxviii. ante inundationem, navim instar arcae coopertam fabricari coepit. Anno septuagesimo octavo ab inchoata navi, ex improviso exundavit oceanus et omnia maria mediterranea. Fluminaque ac fontes ab imo ebullientes inundaverunt supra omnes montes accedentibus, atque impetuosissime et supra naturam e coelo copiosissimis hymbribus multis diebus corruentibus. Ita omne humanum genus aquis suffocatum, excepto Noa cum familia sua quae navi erepta est. Nam elevata ab aquis in Gordiei montis vertice quievit, cuius adhuc dicitur aliqua pars esse, et homines ex illa bitumen tollere, quo maxime utuntur ad expiationem.
891.5. 5. Ab hoc igitur anno salutis humanae ab aquis primordio sumpto, nostri maiores innumeros scripserunt. Nos vero taediosum illorum sermonem abbreviaturi referemus origines et tempora, et reges eorum dumtaxat regnorum, quae nunc magna habentur. In Asia quidem nostrum omnium celsissimum Babylonicum, in Aphrica Aegyptium et Libycum, quae unum primo fuerunt, et sub uno narrabimus. Postremo in Europa quatuor nostri enumerant. Celtiberum, Celtae, Kytim, quod illae gentes Italicum appellant, et Tuysconum quod a Rheno fluvio per Sarmatas in Pontum finit. Addunt quidam etiam quintum dictum Ionicum.
Liber II.
891.6. 1. Necesse est igitur nos ex praemissis confiteri, quod et Chaldaei et Scythae scribunt, siccato ab aquis orbe non fuisse nisi dictos octo homines in Armenia Saga, et ab his omne hominum genus in terris seminatum, atque ob id Scythas recte dicere et appellare Noam omnium deorum maiorum et minorum patrem, et humanae gentis auctorem, et chaos et semen mundi. Tyteam vero Aretiam, id est, terram in quam semen chaos posuit, et ex qua tamquam ex terra cuncti prodierunt.
891.7. 2. Praeter vero tres primores filios, Noa post diluvium gigantes pluresque filios genuit. Quare ad abbreviandum plurimum conferet si omnium posteritates figurabimus, ab ipso Noa sumpto exordio, deinde sigillatim a caeteris. Primum itaque dixerunt Ogygisan Sagam, id est illustrem sacrorum pontificem Noam Dysir.
Liber III.
891.8. 1. Has igitur principum atque Heroum origines atque posteritates abbreviamus ex nostris Chaldaeis atque Scythicis libris, quoad satis sit. Nam et multos alios memoriae mandant, quos quia vel nihil ad nostram intentam accurtationem aut parum offerunt, ob id dimittimus, resumpturi illos ubi opus fuerit.
891.9. 2. Quo pacto exinanitus orbis fuerit coloniis et hominibus oppletur dicendum est. Exsiccata humo et torrefacta terra, Noa cum familia de monte Gordieo, ut par erat, descendit in subiacentem planitiem plenam cadaverum, quam usque ad hanc aetatem appellant Myri Adam, id est, evisceratorum hominum, et inscripsit in lapide in monumentum rem gestam, et vocant incolae locum, egressorium Noae. Congressi vero coniugibus, perpetuo geminos edebant marem et foeminam, qui adulti et coniuges effecti et ipsi binos partu liberos semper edebant. Neque enim unquam Deus vel natura defuit rerum necessitati quae ad universi orbis spectat opulentiam. Eo pacto brevi in immensum adaucto humano genere, omnique Armenia completa, opus erat eos inde recedere, atque novas sibi sedes conquirere.
891.10. 3. Tunc senissimus omnium pater Noa, iam antea edoctos theologiam et sacros ritus, coepit etiam eos erudire humanam sapientiam. Et quidem multa naturalium rerum secreta mandavit literis, quae solis sacerdotibus Scythae Armeni commendant. Neque enim fas est illa, ulli inspicere aut legere vel docere quam solis sacerdotibus, et inter sacerdotes dumtaxat, sicut et quos rituales libros reliquit, ex quibus illis primum Saga nomen fuit inditum, id est, sacerdos et sacrificulus et pontifex.
891.11. 4. Docuit item illos astrorum cursus et distinxit annum ad cursum solis et .xii. menses ad motum lunae, qua scientia praedicebat illis ab initio quid in anno et cardinibus eius futurum contingeret, ob quae illum existimaverunt divinae naturae esse participem, ac propterea illum Olybama et Arsa, id est, caelum et solem cognominaverunt, et illi plures civitates dedicaverunt. Nam et ad haec tempora Scythae Armeni urbes habent Olybama et Arsa, Ratha, et eiuscemodi. Cumque ivisset ad regendum Kitim, quam nunc Italiam nominant, desiderium sui reliquit Armenis, ac propterea post mortem illum arbitrati sunt in animam coelestium corporum tralatum, et illi divinos honores impenderunt. Et ob id solum haec duo regna Armenum quidem, quia ibi coepit: Italicum vero, quia ibi finivit et docuit et regnavit, naturaliumque atque divinorum quae eos erudivit libros plenissime illis conscriptos reliquit, illum venerantur simulque cognominant coelum, solem, chaos, semen mundi, patremque deorum maiorum et minorum, animam mundi moventem coelos, et mixta vegetabiliaque et animalia et hominem, Deum pacis, iustitiae, sanctimoniae, expellentem noxia et custodientem bona. Et ob hoc illum utraeque gentes signant in scriptis cursu solis et motu lunae, et sceptro dominii quo malos et noxios expellebat a coetu hominum, et castimonia corporis et sanctimonia animi, duabus clavibus religionis et felicitatis. Neque minus Tytheam quae mater omnium erat, Aretiam, id est, terram vocabant, et Estam, id est, ignem post mortem cognominaverunt, quia ipsa regina sacrorum fuerat, et puellas docuerat sempiternum ignem sacrorum inextinctum servare. Caeterum Noa antequam discederet ab Armenia docuit illos simplicem agriculturam, magis curans religionem et mores quam opulentiam et delitias quae ad illicita et libidines provocant, et caelestium iram nuper induxerant. Primus tamen omnium invenit vites atque plantavit et vinum conficere docuit, cuius vim inexpertus et vaporem ebrius effectus minus pudice in terram cecidit. Erat illi, ut diximus, filius ex tribus primis adolescentior Chem, qui semper magicae et veneficae studens, Zoroast nomen consequutus erat. Is patrem Noam odio habebat, quia alios ultimo genitos ardentius amabat, se vero despici videbat. Potissime vero idem infensus erat patri ob vitia. Itaque nactus opportunitatem cum Noa pater madidus iaceret, illius virilia comprehendens taciteque submurmurans, carmine magico patri illusit, simul et illum sterilem perinde atque castratum effecit, neque deinceps Noa foemellam aliquam foecundare potuit. Ob beneficium inventae vitis et vini dignatus est cognomento Iano, quod Arameis sonat vitifer et vinifer. At vero Chem cum publice corrumperet mortale genus, asserens et re ipsa exequens congrediendum esse ut ante inundationem, cum matribus, sororibus, filiabus, masculis, brutis et quovis alio genere, ob hoc eiectus a Iano piissimo et castimonia atque pudicitia refertissimo, sortitus est cognomentum Chem esenua, id est Chem infamis et impudicus, incubus, propagator. Est enim Esen apud Scythas Arameos infamis et impudicus. Enua vero tum impudicus, tum propagator. Eum inter homines huius dogmatis sequuti fuerunt Aegyptii, qui sibi illum suum Saturnum inter deos adolescentiorem fecerunt, et civitatem illi posuerunt dictam Chem Myn, a qua ad hanc aetatem omnes cives illius appellamus Chemmenitas. Verum posteri hoc vitiosum dogma neglexerunt, retento quod fuit primi moris, ut inter fratres et sorores coniugium iniri posset.
Liber IV.
891.12. 1. Multiplicatum est in immensum genus humanum, et ad comparandas novas sedes necessitas compellebat. Tum Ianus pater adhortatus est homines principes ad quaerendas novas sedes et communem coetum inter homines agendum, et aedificandas urbes. Designavit itaque illas tres partes orbis Asiam, Aphricam et Europam, ut ante diluvium viderat. Singulis autem his principibus singulas partes ad quas irent partitus, ipse per totum orbem colonias se traducturum pollicitus est.
891.13. 2. Itaque Nymbrotum creavit Babyloniae Saturnum primum, ut ibi primum aedificaret cum coloniis suis. Quare Nymbrotus assumpto filio Iove Belo cum coloniis furatus est rituales Iovis Sagi, et cum populo venit in campum Sennaar, ubi designavit urbem et fundavit maximam turrim, anno salutis ab aquis centesimo trigesimoprimo, regnavitque annis .lvi. et deduxit turrim ad altitudinem et magnitudinem montium, in signum atque monumentum, quod primus in orbe terrarum est populus Babylonicus, et regnum regnorum dici debet. Ergo ab eo exordiemur, et per ipsum mensurabimus omnia regna et eorum reges ac tempora, abbreviando illa in hunc modum.
891.14. 3. Anno .cxxxi. a salute ab aquis prima omnium gentium et civitatum, fundata est a Saturno Babylonico nostro urbs et gens nostra Babilonica, multiplicataque est nimis numero posteritatis, magisque studuit paci et religioni Saturnus deorum, quam opulentiis. Et turrim quidem aedificavit, sed non complevit, nec designatam urbem fundavit, quia post quinquagintasex annos subito non comparuit translatus a diis.
891.15. 4. Ab exordio huius, Ianus pater misit in Aegyptum cum coloniis Chemesenuum, in Lybiam vero et Cyrenem, Tritonem, et in totam reliquam Aphricam Iapetum priscum Atalaa. In Asiam orientalem misit Gangem cum aliquot ex filiis Comeri Galli. In Arabiam Felicem Sabum cognomine Thuriferum. Arabum praefecit Arabiae desertae, et Petreium, Petreiae. Canam posuit a Damasco usque in extima Palaestinae. In Europa regem Sarmatiae fecit Tuysconem a Tanai ad Rhenum, iunctique sunt illi omnes filii Istri et Mesae cum fratribus suis ab Adula monte usque in Mesembericam Ponticam. Sub his tenuerunt Tyras, Arcadius, Emathius. Italiam tenuit Comerus Gallus. Samotes possedit Celtas, et Iubal occupavit Celtiberos.
891.16. 5. Hi sunt qui egressi sunt post Nymbrotum, singuli cum familiis et coloniis suis, relinquentes nomina sua locis in signum expeditionis a Iano patre commissae, et ad monumentum posteris ut scirent quis eorum fuerit conditor. Hi iuxta mandatum Iani coloniis turri constructa pro metropoli, ipsi in veiis et cavernis casas habebant. Solus noster Saturnus idcirco excessit mandatum, quia urbem urbium et regnum regnorum voluit esse Babyloniam. Rursus his temporibus Ianus cum omnes in colonias missi abivissent, eos qui remanserant bipartitus est. Nam secum retinuit filios plurimos, quos post salutem ab aquis genuit, et item maximam gentium multitudinem quum secum in colonias conducturus erat. Scytha cum matre sua Araxa et aliquot coloniis qui Armeniam incolerent, rex primus relictus est constituto summo pontifice Sabbatio Saga ab Armenia usque in Bactrianos: quae longitudo a nobis ad hanc aetatem vocatur Scythia Saga. Postremus omnium ipse Ianus ab Armenia per orbem colonias seminaturus, egressus est. Haec nostri maiores multis libris tradiderunt. Nunc de temporibus eorum ac posteritatibus dicemus, iuxta id quod in nostra Chaldaica et primordiali Scythica historia fideli memoria conservatum est.
Liber V.
891.17. 1. Ut supra diximus, anno a salute humani generis ab aquis centesimo trigesimoprimo, coepit regnum Babylonicum, sub nostro Saturno, patre Iovis Beli: qui imperavit annis .lvi. Anno huius decimo Comerus Gallus posuit colonias suas in regno, quod post Italia dicta est. Et regionem suam a suo nomine cognominavit, docuitque illos legem et iustitiam. Anno eius duodecimo Iubal condidit Celtiberos, et paulopost Samothes, qui et Dis, Celtas colonias fundavit: neque quisquam illa aetate isto sapientior fuit, ac propterea Samothes dictus est. Anno Nymbroti .xv. Oceanus ad Nilum Aegypti consedit, et multos ex sorore Tethyde edidit liberos. Inde supervenit ille corruptor humani generis Chemesenuus, ubi Telchines magicam docens, maxima opinione celebratur. Anno decimooctavo eiusdem Babylonici regis, Gogus Sabeam Arabiam Felicem cum Sabo suo patre puer tenuit, et Triton Libyam, et Iapetus priscus Atalaa Aphricam, Cur Aethiopiam, et Getulus Getuliam. Anno eiusdem .xxv. Thuyscon Sarmatas maximos populos fundavit, et Mesa cum filiis Istri priscos Mesios posuit, usque Ponticam Mesembriam ab Adula monte. Anno trigesimooctavo eiusdem regis Sagae Armeni multiplicati possederunt omnem Caspiam regionem, ab Armenia usque in Bactrianos, et Ianus pater Ianeos colonos traduxit in Hircaniam, et Ianilos in Mesopotamia versus mare sub Babylonia. Anno quadragesimo eiusdem regis aliquot coloni ex filiis Comeri in Bactrianis sibi sedes quaesiverunt. Et Ganges in India sedem sui nominis. Anno quadragesimoquinto eiusdem regis aliqui ex filiis Mesae ac Getuli iuncti simul primi Mesagetas in India propagaverunt. Eadem tempestate Saturnus rex Babyloniae misit principes coloniarum Assyrium, Medum, Moscum et Magogum: qui regna condiderunt Assyrium, Medum, et Magogum in Asia, Moscos vero et in Asia simul et Europa. Anameon quoque adolescentulus Maeones a se dictos condidit, et regnavit centum quinquaginta annis.
891.18. 2. Secundus rex Babyloniae Iuppiter Belus filius dicti Saturni, regnavit annis .lxii. et fundamenta designata Babyloniae oppidi magis quam urbis erexit. Pace fruebatur usque circa finem imperii sui. Anno .iii. huius, Comerus more Scythico unde venerat docuit suos Italos urbem curribus componere. Et idcirco Veii appellati sunt vocabulo Sago, qui Veias plaustrum appellant, et urbem ex his compositam si parva sit Veitulam, si magna Ulurdum, si metropolis Cy Ocholam ad haec quoque tempora Scythae plaustris et curru pro domibus utuntur. Et sub solario quidem stabulum, supra vero habent officinas domus. Concludit et loca a se cognominata Tyras, postquam Tyrum fundavit, cum principibus coloniarum littora maris tenuit, fundavitque Thraces Archadius Archadiam, Emathius Emathiam tenuit. Anno .xlv. huius Beli Ianus pater posuit colonias in Arabia Felice, et a suo nomine unas vocavit Noam, et a cognomine Ianineas. Qui vero ex posteritate Comeri erant Galli ab Avito cognomine illos appellavit Gallos. Anno .lvi. huius Beli Chemesenus venit in Italiam ad Comeros, et non comparente Comero, coepit colonias regere atque corrumpere suis impietatibus et sceleribus.
891.19. 3. Ianus vero pater circa Arabiae Felicis fluvium plures colonias relinquens, et a se Ianineas cognominans, in Aphricam ad Tritonem venit. Hac aetate Iuppiter Belus coepit libidine dominandi torqueri. Et paulo ante Araxa cum filio Scytha, creato omnium gentium Sagarum rege Sabatio Saga, atque in Armenia relicto, ipsa occupavit omnem partem Occidentalem ab Armenia usque in Sarmatiam Europae. At vero Iuppiter Belus quum non possit alios subiugare nisi subacto et trucidato Sabatio Sagarum rege, clam molitus est illum perimere. Cumque Saturnus prospiceret se non posse evadere quod innumeras insidias sibi paraverat Iuppiter Belus, clandestina fuga se tutabat, in Sagis Caspiis delitescando. Cumque naturae concederet, iussit filio Nino ut Sabatium Sagam funditus deleret, et omnes populos Babylonico regno subiiceret, quia omnium in orbe primum fuisset. Quo accepto Sabatius delitescebat in Bactrianis Sagis, quousque cerneret tempus idoneum vel ad regnum vel ad fugam. Ita arma Iovis contra eum parata illum regno pepulerunt circa tempora Semiramidis. Eodem tempore Triton reliquit filium Hammonem regem Libyae, qui accepit coniugem Rheam sororem Camesenui Saturni Aegyptiorum, sed tamen ex Almanthea adolescentula clam Rhea Dionysium sustulit, et in Nysam urbem Arabiae educandum misit.
891.20. 4. Tertius rex Babyloniae a nostris scribitur Ninus, Iovis Beli filius, et regnavit annis .lii. Hic omnibus suis viribus sumptis armis patris sui Iovis Beli, omnibus bellum intulit, nulli parcens, et Sabatium Sagam quod esset in omnium desiderio omni studio ad interitum quaeritabat, quare etiam toto huius tempore exul apud suos delituit. Hic omnium primus ex nostris regibus Babylonicum regnum propagavit, et omnium primus templum Belo patri, et matri Iunoni, et Rheae aviae, et statuas in medio oppidi Babyloniae erexit. Anno huius Nini .iv. Tuyscon gigas Sarmatas legibus format apud Rhenum. Idipsum agit Iubal Celtiberos, et Samotes apud Celtas. Econtra Camesenus Saturnus Aegyptiorum Comaros Italos nitebatur corrumpere, iuuantibus illum convenis et advenis quos ille pro Italiae coloniis conduxerat, quos ipsi vocant Montanos Aborigines.
891.21. 5. At apud Libyam lis orta est inter Rheam et Hammonen ob stuprum admissum cum Almanthia, quaerebatque Rhea ubi Dionysius esset ut eum perderet, et diu lis ista rixaque perseveravit. Anno Nini .x. Ianus pater ex Aphrica in Celtiberos Hispalos venit, ubi duas colonias dimisit a se dictas Noelas et Noeglas. His enim etiam antea cognominibus cognominaverat uxores Iapeti et Chemesenui. Nini anno .xix. Ianus pater veniens in Italiam cum comperisset Camesenuum praeter opinionem corrumpentem iuuentutem, tribus annis illum aequo animo tulit. Deinde illi aliquot coloniis assignatis, eum Italia excedere iubet. Ipse omnes colonias divisit. Etenim omnes colonos Comaros corruptos et convenas et advenas, montana trans Ianiculum amnem colere iubet, illisque filiam suam Cranam Helernam, id est, suffragio ab his electam et exaltatam reginam cum sceptro Albam dat: namque duos filios suos novissimos cum illorum posteritate Cranum et Cranam Ianus cum Comaro miserat, coalverantque in gentem atque posteritatem maximam, quam nostra aetate Ianigenam vocant, cognominant autem Razenuam, id est, sacram propagatricem incubamque, contra impietatem Camesenui. Itaque suam posteritatem separatam ab aboriginibus esse voluit cis Ianiculum amnem in planitie atque maritimis. Cognominavit autem eam Razenuam, ut et Cranum Razenuum. Interea quum Italia discessisset Camesenuus, ad illum Rhea venit, et illi nupta ambo contra Hammonem cum Titanibus pergunt, ibique bello commisso pellunt regno Hammonem et in Cretam cogunt. Cum in Libya Camesenuus regnat, parit ex Rhea sorore Osirim, quem cognominavit Iovem. Vigesimosecundo anno Nini Ianus in Thuscia Ianiculum, quod aetate Camesenui condidit, sedem sibi perpetuam statuit usque Arnum, ubi colonias positas vocavit Aryn Ianuas .i. a Iano exaltatas. Vetuloniae iura dicebat et docebat atque regebat anno Nini .xliii. Sabatius quum adverteret nullo pacto sibi licere uti regnis, creato Armenis Sagis rege filio Barzane, in Sarmaticum ponti littus concessit. Eadem tempestate Dionysius Hammonis filius armis sumptis Rheam et Camesenuum regno paterno pellens, et secum Osirim retinens, in filiumque adoptans, eum a patre suo Hammonem Iovem cognominavit, uti a magistro Olympo Olympicum, eique totius Aegypti regnum tradidit. Eodem anno virgo Palladon apud Tritonidem lacum infantula exposita ab eodem Dionysio love Libyco etiam cognominato, adoptata in filiam fuit, quae omnem militiam prima Libycos docuit. Eodem tempore Ianus pater Ianigenas Razenuos docuit physicam, astronomiam, divinationes, ritus, et rituales scripsit, et omnia litteris mandavit. Eisdem vero nominibus et veneratione divina sunt prosequuti, quibus in Armenia Saga erant usi. Anno .xlix. Nini, Celtiberos rexit Iberus filius Iubal, a quo Iberi nominati fuerunt. Nini .li. anno apud Celtas regnavit Samotis filius Magus, a quo illis oppida plurima posita sunt. Ultimo anno Barzanes in Armenia a Nino superatur.
891.22. 6. Quarto loco regnavit apud Babyloniam uxor Nini Ascalonita Semiramis annis quadragintaduobus. Haec antecessit militia, triumphis, divitiis, victoriis et imperio omnes mortales. Ipsa hanc urbem maximam ex oppido fecit, ut magis dici possit illam aedificasse quam ampliasse. Nemo umquam huic foeminae comparandus est virorum, tanta in eius vita dicuntur et scribuntur, cum ad vituperationem, tum maxime ad collaudationem magninca.
891.23. 7. Huius primo anno oritur ex Rhea et Camesenuo in Aegypto Iuno Aegyptia cognominata Isis maxima, frugifera, legifera, soror et uxor Osiridis.
891.24. 8. Eodem anno Sabatius Saga a Ponto solvit in Italiam ad patrem Ianum, quem exceptum hospitio post aliquot annos illum Coritum creavit, et Aboriginibus praefecit. Anno sexto Semiramidis apud Rheni Sarmatas regnavit filius Tuysconis Mannus: et apud Ianigenas Razenuos Vesta uxor Iani sempiternum ignem custodiendum virginibus puellis edoctis sacra tradidit. Anno .xii. Semiramidis, Sabatius Saba cum Iano regnat.
891.25. 9. Anno .xvii. Semiramidis Sabatius Saga docet agriculturam, et aliquantulum religionis.
891.26. 10. Anno. Semiramidis vigesimosecundo Sabatius Sabum praefecit Sabinis et Aboriginibus. Ipse iuxta Ianiculum cum aliis Curetibus regionem coluit, et ibi obiit. Anno, xxxiiii. eiusdem apud Celtiberos regnat Iubelda, filius Iberi, apud montem sui nominis.
891.27. 11. Quintus apud Babylonios regnavit Zameis Ninias, filius Semiramidis, annis triginta octo. In regno Babylonico hic parum resplenduit, ornavit tamen templa deorum, et Chaldaeos ampliavit.
891.28. 12. Eius anno primo cum Sabatius obiit, Ianus pater senissimus filium suum Cranum Coritum creavit, octavoque post anno obiit, expletis vitae suae annis. cccl. et Ianigenae illum Vortumnum appellantes, templum illi et di vinos honores, ut par erat, impenderunt.
891.29. 13. Hoc anno Osiris inventis a se et a sorore Adolescentula frumento et frugibus, coepit docere illa in Palaestina, inde reversus in Aegyptum et invento aratro et his quae ad agriculturam pertinent, sensim universum peragravit orbem, docens quaecunque invenerat, et ita universo imperavit orbi, exceptis gentibus quae iam in Babyloniorum venerant potestatem.
891.30. 14. His temporibus regnavit apud Celtas Sarron, qui ut contineret ferociam hominum tum recentum, publica literarum studia instituit, et apud Tuyscones Inghaeuon.
891.31. 15. Sextus Babyloniae rex Arius regnavit annis .xxx. qui adiecit imperio omnes Bactrianos. Nam paulo ante mortem Niniae Camesenuus pulsus ab omni ferme orbe in Bactrianos sese contulerat, et illos Magico praestigio sibi devinxerat, adeo ut apud illos maximis viribus imperaret. Coacto autem Camesenuus maximo populorum exercitu invasit Assyrios, contra quem Ninus dimicans superior fuit, et Camesenuum obtruncavit, inde paulo post ipse obiit. Quare Arius collecto exercitu, post patris Niniae obitum, Bactrianos et omnes Caspios subiecit.
891.32. 16. Cranus Ianigena sororem suam mortuam cum Ianigenis Razenuis suis et omnibus simul Aboriginibus solemni pompa celebrat. Et illi Lucum iuxta Ianiculum, amnem, solemnesque ritus et diem sacrat, ipse senex filium suum Aurunum Coritum creat.
891.33. 17. Arii .xx. anno apud Celtiberos regnat Brygus, qui multa oppida suo nomini fundavit, adiectis nominibus capitum originum, quibus illa consignabat.
891.34. 18. Apud Libyam regnavit priscus Hyarbas, vir ferox armis et militia Paladuae.
891.35. 19. Anno .xxiv. Arii apud Ianigenas Razenuos regnat Aurunus filius Crani. Anno .xxix. apud Celtas Dryius peritiae plenus.
891.36. 20. Septimus Assyriis imperat Aralius annis .xl. vir iste claruit ingenio et studio militari, et primus adauxit pompas et gemmas, et muliebres delitias. Apud Libyam Hyarbas cum Paladuis foeminis belligerans, non fuit illis par. Quare donis occurrens se ac regnum illarum permisit potestati.
891.37. 21. Apud Tuyscones regnabat Herminon vir ferox armis, et apud Celtas Bardus, inventione carminum et musicae apud illos inclytus.
891.38. 22. Aralii anno .x. Armeni Ianigenae Griphonii cum coloniis suis ad Aurunum Ianigenum venerunt, quos exceptos hospitio, etiam sedem cum Ianigenis Razenuis assignavit. Classe quoque Auson eodem tempore ab Auruno fuit exceptus anno octavo sequente, et ipsi sedes in orientali Italia ab eodem consignata fuit.
891.39. 23. Idem Aurunus in Vetulonia lucum sacravit Crano, et inter Isos, id est, deos annumeravit. Iano quoque Vortumno templum et statuam non procul urbe dedicavit, et deo Razenuo in Vetulonia sacellum condidit.
891.40. 24. Novissimis annis Aurunus Malot Tagetem filium creavit Coritum, et .xxxv. Aralii anno obiit et successit Malot Tages.
891.41. 25. Anno penultimo Aralii classe venit ad Malot Tagetem Ianigenum Razenuum Phaeton cum filiis suis, qui inveniens omnia ab Ausoniis occupata ab Oriente, et montana a Gallis et Aboriginibus possessa, planitiem vero a Razenuis Ianigenis habitatam, donatus fuit parte Occidentali, posseditque cum sua posteritate montes et totum Eridanum usque in regionem proximam, istis relinquens nomina locis.
891.42. 26. Eo tempore Italia in tribus locis arsit multis diebus circa Istros, Cymeos, et Vesuuios vocataque sunt a Ianigenis illa loca Palensana, id est, regio conflagrata.
891.43. 27. Octavus rex Babyloniae fuit Baleus cognomento Xerses et regnavit annis .xxx. hunc appellaverunt Xersem, id est victorem et triumphatorem, quod imperaverit duplo plus gentibus quam Aralius. Erat enim militia ferox et fortunatus, et propagavit regnum usque prope Indios.
891.44. 28. Huius Balei Xersis temporibus, regnat apud Celtiberos Tagus cognomento Orma, ex quo patria dicta fuit Taga. Apud Tuyscones regnat Marsus, et apud Lygures Phaeton, relicto filio Lygure, regressus est in Aethiopiam Maloth Tages ritus sacros a Iano traditos, et aruspiciam auxit.
891.45. 29. Nonus rex Babyloniae Armatritis imperavit annis .xxxviii. Qui magis ad voluptates et delitias eon versus, ea quae ad libidinem spectant, cum in venit tum maxime inventa ampliavit. Huius aetate apud Celtas Longho regnavit, et apud Celtiberos Betus, a quo regnum habuit nomen: et apud Ianigenas Sicanus filius Maloth Tagetis, a quo cognominata fuit Vetuloniae regio.
891.46. 30. Anno vigesimo Armatritis Lygur misit Cydnum et Eridanum cum coloniis, cum fratribus et nepotibus: et occupaverunt usque Istrum in Italia.
891.47. 31. Sicanus deificavit Aretiam, et nominavit eam lingua Ianigena Horchiam.
891.48. 32. Osiris in Thracia peremit gigantem Lycurgum.
891.49. 33. Anno Armatritis trigesimosecundo apud Celtiberos tyrannidem assumpsit Deabus. Qui hoc cognomentum promeruit a fodinis auri et divitiis, quas primus ibi cepit et invenit opprimens colonias. Et post duos annos apud Celtas regnavit Bardus iunior.
891.50. 34. Decimus Assyriorum rex imperat Belochus, annis trigintaquinque. Qui idcirco a Belo sumpsit cognomen, quia cum imperium voluit exercere maximum pontificum Beli Iovis, et maxime circa auspicia et divinationes occupatus fuit eius animus. Apud Tuyscones regnavit Gambrivius, vir ferocis animi.
891.51. 35. Apud Emathios coepit regnare Macedon filius Osiridis, a quo nunc nomen retinet provincia atque circa hoc regnum Osiris depressit gigantes, qui iam tyrannidem coeperant.
891.52. 36. Vigesimonono huius Belochi anno, apud Celtiberos Lomnimi florebant, et aedificaverunt a suo nomine urbem magnam Lomnimiam. Anno autem sequente Itali oppressi a tyrannis gigantibus in tribus Palensanis, advocaverunt Osirim, qui cum coloniis ad Istri vicinos fontes pervenerat. Osiris tota Italia potitus, decem annis illam tenuit, et a se nominavit in triumphum: et sub ditione positis gigantibus, regem Ianigenis reliquit Lestrigonem gigantem, sibi ex filio Neptuno nepotem.
891.53. 37. Anno .xxxiii. Belochi, rex Lucus regnare coepit apud Celtas. Novissimis annis Belochi, tenuit mare Atticum, et ebulliens inundavit Atticam.
891.54. 38. Undecimus rex Babylonis fuit Baleus annis quinquagintaduobus. Hic post Semiramidem supra caeteros enituit fama, splenduit imperio usque intra Indiam. Libri multi de eius gestis sunt a nostris conscripti. Huius anno decimo Porcus Cados Sene insulam complevit Vetulonicis coloniis, partem reliquit posteritati Lygures.
891.55. 39. Huius Balei temporibus Indi sua obtulerunt Babyloniis. Osiris in Aegyptum reversus columnam quae permanet inscripsit in monumentum expeditionis suae per totum orbem.
891.56. 40. Apud Tuyscones regnat Suaevus, et apud Celtas Celtes, a quo nomen habuerunt montes illorum maximi a conflagratione sylvarum, qui dividunt Celtas et Celtiberos.
891.57. 41. Typhon Aegyptius, omnibus orbis gigantibus consciis, fratrem suum Osiridem Iovem iustum Aegyptium peremit, et ipse in Aegypto assumit tyrannidem, Busiris in Phoenicia, in Phrygia vero alius Typhon, in Libya Anteus, in Celtiberia Lomnini, in Italia Lestrigones, et in toto mari Milinus Cretensis.
891.58. 42. Hercules Osiridis filius, cui nomen est Libyus, cum Iside in Aegypto sustulit Typhonem, in Phoenicia Busiridem, alium vero Typhonem in Phrygia, Milinum in Creta, Anteum in Libya, Lomninos in Celtiberia, a qua substituto illis rege Hispalo, ad tyrannos Italiae conversus est. Cumque in Italiam per Celtas transiret, permissu parentum Galathea genuit illis Galathem regem.
891.59. 43. In Italia decem annis debellavit, et expulit Lestrigones, postquam .xx. annos apud illos pacifice regnavit, multaque illis oppida a suo nomine et a suo cognomine Musarna sicut Gedrosiae et Carnaniae fundavit, et loca aquis impedita habitationes hominum commoda fecit. Anno itaque Balei .xli. orsus in Italia pugnam contra gigantes, biennio ante illius obitum illos delevit. Ita ab Hispalis Hercules venit in Italiam, Lestrigones et omnes tyrannos sustulit, Arnos, Lybarnos, Musarnos a se cognominatos condidit, trigintaque annis rexit, et accersitum Thuscum illis regem reliquit.
891.60. 44. Altades duodecimus rex Babyloniis fuit, regnans annis .xxxii. Hic interposuit tempus suum delitiis existimans vanum esse laboribus, et suae vitae miseria continua laborare, non quidem aliorum humanaeque gentis utilitate ac beneficio, sed exitio ac servitute. Idcirco suum institutum fuit, ut vita divitiis et gloria, aliena stultitia et miseria a suis maioribus partis sibi frueretur quoad viveret.
891.61. 45. Huius Altadis tempore Hercules filium Thuscum ex Araxa susceptum, ex Tanaide regione evocat. Galathes a quo Samothei Galli dicti, eius aetate regnavit apud Celtas, et Vandalus apud Tuyscones.
891.62. 46. Hercules Thuscum filium Ianigenis creat Coritum ex more. Quo etiam illis rege relicto, ipse senex admodum in Celtiberos revertitur, anno Altadis trigesimonono, et regnavit ibi atque obiit. Cui Celtiberi templum ad illius Gades, et sepulchrum et divinos honores tribuerunt, plurimasque illius triumpho et nomini urbes dedicaverunt, ut Libysosonam, Libysocam, Libuncam, Liboram.
891.63. 47. Galatheum puerum ad Herculem missum in Siciliam cum coloniis misit Thuscus. Idem Thuscus primus Palatuam militiam, et initiamenta Razenuos Ianigenas docuit.
891.64. 48. Tertiusdecimus Babyloniae rex Mamitus regnavit annis triginta. Is rursus milites exercuit et assuefecit laboribus, et interpositis delitiis, ungentis, et opobalsamis, militiam et pugnas exequebatur, coepitque formidini esse Syris et Aegyptiis. Huius anno vigesimosecundo Alteus Thusci filius regnat apud Ianigenas, et biennio ante Hesperus frater Kitym apud Celtiberos, rursus apud Celtas Narbon, et apud Tuyscones Teutanes.
891.65. 49. Quartusdecimus rex Babyloniis imperavit Mancaleus annis .xxx. Cuius anno primo apud Celtiberos, Kitym pulso fratre Hespero in Italiam, regnavit.
891.66. 50. Duodecimo vero anno Mancalei, apud Ianigenas regnat Kitym, relicto in Celtiberis rege filio Sicoro. Eiusdem Mancalei temporibus apud Tuyscones regnat Hercules Alemannus, apud Celtas Lugdus, a quo provincia et homines cognomenta sumpserunt.
891.67. 51. Kytim ob mentis excellentiam Ianigenae sua lingua vocaverunt Italum Atala. Hic filiam suam Electram Ianigenarum principi Cambo Blasconi dedit coniugem. Qui pro nuptiis colonias misit trans alpes Italiae proximas, et Romam filiam suam Italus primo subreginam Aboriginibus sacrat. Filium quoque suum Morgetem Italus Kitym creavit Coritum.
891.68. 52. Quintusdecimus Assyriis imperat Sferus annis .xx. vir de cuius gestis et prudentia omne vulgus personat. Huius temporibus Morges filius Itali creavit Coritum suum cognatum Camboblasconem, et paulo post idem Coritus manet Itus. Apud Celtiberos regnat Sicanus filius Sicori, post obitum Sferi sub Mamelo.
891.69. 53. Sextusdecimus rex Mamelus Babyloniis imperat annis .xxx. cuius anno octavo Romanessos filius Romae fit primus subregulus montanorum Aboriginum, et Sicanus regnat apud Celtiberos.
891.70. 54. Apud Celtas Beligius, a quo illi Beligici appellantur, regnat, et apud Ianigenas tandem a patre Iasius creatus est Coritus.
891.71. 55. Iasius creatus est Coritus, et anno sequente simul coeperunt duo reges, videlicet primus rex Atheniensium Cecrops priscus et Iasius Ianigena apud Celtas.
891.72. 56. In Iasii nuptiis affuit Io Aegyptia. Sola enim foeminarum uno plus Dodone centenario vixit, et universum ferme orbem lustravit post viri interitum.
891.73. 57. Decimus septimus rex Babyloniorum fuit Sparetus, et regnavit annis .xl. Sub eo coeperunt miranda in orbe. Nam terraemotus Babylonios terruit. Athenienses regnum exorsi sunt anno .iv. eius. Et eodem anno Iasius Ianigena imperavit Italicis, et Siceleus aliquanto post Celtiberis.
891.74. 58. Sub Spareti imperio finierunt Aegyptii reges magni Orus, Acencheres, Acoris, et coepit Chencres qui cum Hebraeis de Magica pugnavit et ab eis submersus fuit. Anno quoque huius .xxxiiii. et .xxxv. in Thessalia diluvium fuit, non solum ex imbribus, sed quod obturatis montibus casu, flumina planitiem impleverunt, et subsequuto terraemotu apertis ostiis montium, aquae in alveos regressae. Et in alia eorum parte post terraemotum sequutum est incendium, sub quodam illorum rege Phaetonte, et noster rex Phoenices et Syros subegit. Antea vero anno .xx. huius imperii ab Italia Io in Aegyptum regreditur. Et lis prima intestina oritur pro regno inter Dardanum et Iasium. Aborigines sequebantur partes Dardani, Ianigenae vero et Siculi cum Siceleo partes Iasii.
891.75. 59. Decimusoctavus rex praefuit Babyloniis Ascatades annis .xli. qui funditus omnem Syriam ditionis suae fecit, cuius anno .xiii. vitis inventa apud Graecos narratur. Sub eodem anno Dardanus Iasium dolo peremit, et fugiens in Samothraciam diu ibi latuit.
891.76. 60. Iasio Coribantus filius successit.
891.77. 61. Ascatadis anno .viii. Cancres victus Hebraeorum magica periit in mari, cui apud Aegyptios successit Acherres, apud Celtiberos Lusus, apud Celtas Allobrox, et apud Aborigines Italos Romanessus filius Romae primus Saturnus consecratus mox obiit, cui successit filius eius Picus priscus.
891.78. 62. Anno ultimo regis Ascatadis, Ato donavit Dardanum parte agri Maeonici, et ita regnum Troianum coepit. Dardanus si qua iura in Italiae regno habebat, resignavit Turreno filio Atus.
891.79. 63. Turrhenus adnavigans in Italiam Ianigenam a Cybele et Coribanto tamquam ex Herculeis hilari hospitio exceptus, et civilitate Razenua donatus est.
891.80. 64. Ipse Turrhenus multa Maeonica ornamenta proferens, dedit. Coribantus vero et Cybeles ornata Dynastia duodecim ducum duodecim populorum qui essent ex Ianigenis, ipsi in Phrygiam se contulerunt.
891.81. 65. Porro etiam sub Ascatade apud Aegyptios fuere reges Cherres et Armeus qui cognominatus est Danaus, et Ramesses cognomento Aegyptus. Itaque qui reges et tempora traduntur a nostris de primoribus regnis orbis a Iani diluvio primo usque ad Dardaniae regnum conditum, his nostris brevissimis annotationibus sint hactenus dicta.
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Na wspomnianej stronie są też ważne przypisy, pochodzące od Annio da Viterbo
Kim był Berossos:
Berossos - zhellenizowany kapłan babiloński, historyk, żyjący w Babilonie na przełomie IV i III w. p.n.e. Autor dzieła "Babyloniak" o kulturze i historii Babilonii.
Został kapłanem boga Bela w Babilonie, służąc najprawdopodobniej w kompleksie świątynnym E-sagila, gdzie miałby dostęp do tamtejszych archiwów świątynnych.
Annio da Viterbo (1432-1502), urodził się jako Giovanni Nanni – włoski dominikanin, uczony i historyk.
Viterbo znany jest głównie ze względu na 17-tomowe dzieło "Antiquitatum variarum" wydane w 1498 roku. Dzieło zawiera pisma Berossosa które Viterbo odnalazł. Dzieło zawiera ważne komentarze.
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